‘If your weight loss pills and food works, use me as a project’ – Eniola Badmus to weight loss pill vendors

Nollywood actress, Eniola Badmus has shared an Instagram post addressed to weight loss pill vendors over their adverts on different platforms.

The Nollywood actress told weight loss pill vendors to use her as a project if the products they advertise really works.

Eniola Badmus also urged them to stop using people already known to be slim to advertise their products.

See her posts below;

Eniola Badmus recently opened up on the struggle she faced being a plus-sized lady.

“When I started, I was rejected a lot and people attributed it to my body size; they were wondering what I had to offer. But I was focused and steadfast with what I was doing because I have a very high spirit. I was focused and that’s why I am excelling. No matter what comes my way, I don’t even think about it.

I only think about fresh ideas because when you begin to take things personally, you get distracted. I was trained to be a hero with a lion heart; I am brave at heart. A good man will not want to let me go because I am a very hard working woman and I believe in making money,” she said.