#EndSARS: Use same energy to cast your votes in next election – Actress, Kate Henshaw tells Nigerians

Nollywood actress, Kate Henshaw has called on Nigerians to use same energy they have shown during #EndSARS protests to cast their votes in next general elections.

Kate Henshaw on #EndSARS

The thespian made this call on Sunday, October 11, in a tweet via her verified handle on Twitter.

According to her, Nigerians have the right to vote in who will truly serve them.

While asking Nigerians never to forget, she also asked them to ensure they get their Voter’s cards ready.

She tweeted… “REMEMBER!! The same energy, this very same energy, when its time to cast your votes!!
Get your voter’s card!
We have the right to choose those who will truly serve us!!