Man narrates how he spent 3 days in cell after he visited his sugar mummy during crossover night

An unidentified man has narrated how he spent 3 days in a cell after he went to have some quality time with his sugar mummy during cross-over night.

Man Sugar Mummy Cross-over NightNarrating what transpired, he revealed that on a fateful night, he went to his sugar mummy’s place to chill off, unfortunately, some hoodlums attacked and made away with his money and other valuables.

The story got interesting when he revealed that his sugar mummy called the police and peradventure one of the policemen was her husband’s friend, so in order to cover up, she gave him up for arrest and claimed he was among the thieves.

He wrote:

“I was at my shuga mummy’s place during crossover night when thieves came to rob. They took my phones and transferred all the 700k+ in my account to theirs. The thieves made it clear that they only came for her gold and she gave them. Immediately they zoomed off, she called the police…”

Read the full story below:

Man Sugar Mummy Cross-over Night