Cristiano Ronaldo hits back at those criticizing his big-money move to Saudi Arabian side, Al-Nassr

Portuguese football star, Cristiano Ronaldo has taken a swipe at critics of his lucrative move to Saudi Arabian side, Al-Nassr.

Cristiano Ronaldo hits back at those criticizing his move to Saudi Arabian side, Al-Nassr

Ronaldo, who has a deal with the Saudi club which will make him the highest-paid player in the history of the sport, said those criticizing him know nothing about football.

He said;

“Many people speak and give their opinions but they really do not know nothing about football. As you know football now, probably the last 10-15 years it is different, all the teams are more prepared, more ready. So for me it’s not the end of my career to come to [Saudi Arabia], that’s what I want to change. So I really don’t worry about what the people say.”

Cristiano Ronaldo hits back at those criticizing his move to Saudi Arabian side, Al-Nassr

Also addressing reporters at his unveiling ceremony yesterday, January 3, Ronaldo stated that he received plenty of other offers from clubs around the world before deciding that Al-Nassr was the best place for him to continue his career.