UK court sentences Ike Ekweremadu to 9 years in prison

Ekweremadu, wife bag years in prison

Former Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, has been sentenced to 9 years and 8 months in prison by a UK court, alongside his wife and a medical middleman.

He was found guilty in a landmark modern slavery case for his involvement in a plot to traffic a young man to the UK to harvest his organs for their sick daughter. Along with his wife and a medical middleman, they were found guilty in March at the Old Bailey.

The victim, a poor street trader in Lagos, was brought to the UK to provide a kidney for the Ekweremadus’ daughter, but he fled in fear and reported what had happened to the police.

During the televised sentencing, Justice Johnson acknowledged Ike Ekweremadu’s “substantial fall from grace” as he handed down the sentence. Beatrice Ekweremadu received a sentence of four years and six months, while Obeta was sentenced to 10 years in prison.