“Alex is too real to be a pretender, stan her harder” – Ifu Ennada eulogizes Alex Unusual

Popular reality star, Ifu Ennada has taken to Instagram to eulogize Big Brother Naija housemate, Alex Unusual as she describes her as ‘real’.

The reality star has called unto the fans of a housemate, Alex Unusual to go harder and vote massively in the coming weeks in order to emerge the winner of this season’s show.

"Alex is too real to be a pretender, stan her harder" - Ifu Ennada eulogizes Alex Unusual
Housemate, Alex Unusual. Source: Instagram

In a post sighted online, Ifu Ennada described Alex as a woman with a pure heart and also real. She debunked the narrative online describing the housemate as a pretender.

Praising Alex, Ifu Ennada said, “People hate what/who they wish to be but can’t. Alex has a pure heart, and would always say it like it is. Alex is too real to be a pretender. She can never be one! Guys, stan her even harder! 

Be selfish with no votes, no more sharing, focus on Alex alone and push her till the end! Ensure she brings that ultimate price home so anyone hating on her will shed premium tears”.