‘Broke girls will stunt your growth’ – Nigerian man advises fellow men

'Broke girls will stunt your growth' – Nigerian man advises fellow menA Twitter user identified as @PureMind__ took to the platform to advise his fellow men to stay away from broke girls because they will stunt your growth.

Giving his reasons which many people on Twitter have agreed with, he tweeted:


Broke girls will stunt your growth, they will hinder your development, you will have it very hard achieving your goals.

They will make you suffer for two, when are are supposed to be thinking of doubling your 100k, they will halve it for you.

Avoid them, Like a Plague!

They will put you under undue pressure, they will make you want to steal just to be able to satisfy their broke ass.

They will say hurtful things to you when you can’t afford to meet up with their unfortunate demands.

They will not allow you take care of your family. Avoid them

They will make you sometimes wonder if your mates have two heads, they will frustrate your life, you will never do enough according to them. They will never appreciate your efforts.

They will talk down on your whole existence.

Is that what you want for yourself Kings?

They always have the most to say, I mean from a person who cannot even afford to take care of their own needs.

They depend on one thing (that we all know) and believe you are supposed to provide for all their needs according to your riches in glory, Like Jesus Christ yunno LMAO

In a nutshell Kings,

Say NO to broke and entitled girls. They are not good for your growth.
