“Choose your circle of friends wisely or end up in poverty” – Reno Omokri

Human rights activist, Reno Omokri hints that the wrong circle of friends may influence the decision to be poor or financially stable.

"Choose your circle of friends wisely or end up in poverty" - Reno Omokri

According to the politician, there should be a balance between fun and work, which makes a circle of friends who talks only about fun bad for ones progress in life.

In an Instagram post, Reno Omokri wrote;

“Look at your circle of friends. What do they regularly discuss? Babes, guys, clubbing, designer clothes, football, etc. Such a circle will make you travel in circles. You need a circle that talks business, progress and fitness, as well as pleasure.

Find a balance between work and play. To work without playing leads to stress. To play without working leads to poverty. But to balance work and play leads to financial, relational and emotional prosperity. Have a business and a love interest, and friends and a hobby.”