“I want to teach people” – 67-year-old man who invented stove that uses water to cook

Hadi Usman, the 67-year-old Nigerian man from Gombe state who invented a stove that uses only water to cook has made it clear that he wants to transfer his knowledge to the younger generation.

His desire to transfer his knowledge to people came after the Gombe state government through the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation showed interest towards his innovation.

Meanwhile, amid his clear ambitions, netizens posited that some business gladiators in the oil and gas sector will likely go against his invention owing to the threat it poses.

On Facebook, @Danladi wrote: “The problem is the the business tycoons in gas and kerosene who are powerful in government will frustrate whatever effort made to empower this man because the more the masses suffer the more money they get. There are many talented young people in this country but the government will not support them.”