Therapist, Angela Nwosu shows off piggybank savings in a month with over N1M (Video)

Popular sex therapist, Angela Nwosu shows off her piggybank savings in hard currency with over N1M saved within a month.

angela nwosu

According to the therapist who narrated the challenges of saving due to the cashless form of transaction in the world of today.

Angela Nwosu further chipped in how she stole most of the hard currency from her husband within the time frame of a month to gather the sum of $2750 (a rough estimate of N1.2 million naira.)

Therapist, Angela Nwosu shows off piggybank savings in a month with over N1M in dollars (Video)

Sharing the video, she wrote;

“I got this kolo from Chidimma in second week of February, this is what I managed to save in one month. 2,750 dollars, that’s more than a million naira in black market rate. If I saved it in naira, the kolo will definitely be filled up.

“I am that wife that doesn’t have access to cash, I can stay a month without setting eyes on it, I only do transfers, you can imagine how difficult it was for me to do this kolo challenge in just a month.

“My husband saw the day I posted the kolo and made sure to hide all his naira notes, but kept only dollars in his wallet, thinking I won’t near that one.

” It was the spirit that whispered to me, after a week of not putting any money in my kolo, to start stealing the dollars little by little, all money is money.”

Watcht the video below …