Woman calls out her baby daddy for abandoning her and their child because she refused to abort

Woman calls out her baby daddy for abandoning her and child

A woman has gone on Facebook to accuse her baby daddy of refusing to provide for his daughter because she refused to abort the child as he instructed.

Atairu Babysera Queency said Kadiri Apampa was divorced at the time she began dating him. She got pregnant towards the end of 2012 and he asked her to get an abortion. His family also called threatening her and advising her to abort the pregnancy.

But she carried the child to term and gave birth in 2013. The girl will be 6 in October.

Atairu said her baby daddy, who has grown kids, has never contributed to their child’s life despite efforts from her to get him involved.

She went on to say that she hopes he will live long enough to see what their child will become without his help.

See her post below.